Call for papers: Pluri/Multilingual Education


Vol. 14, Issue 3 (Year 2024)

Issue Editors: Andreja Retelj and Karmen Pižorn

In recent decades, there has been growing interest in the pluri/multilingual learner's language repertoire and foreign language learning. Multilingual learners use their linguistic repertoire and cultural knowledge in everyday life and interact fluidly with others and with texts in different languages. According to the CEFR (2001: 34), individual language components are "unevenly differentiated according to the learner's experience and in an unstable relation as that experience changes". A number of studies provide arguments in favour of multilingual education, because it: (1) enhances multilingual learners' cognitive and multitasking skills; (2) enables higher language proficiency in multiple languages; (3) promotes cultural awareness and understanding of cultural diversity; (4) improves academic achievement in a variety of areas, not just language-related subjects; (5) equips learners with problem-solving, interpersonal and intercultural communication skills; and (6) promotes empathy and tolerance. Plurilingual learners can develop a greater appreciation of diversity and a sense of belonging in multicultural societies. Various European Commission policy documents underline the importance of pluri/multilingual education (CEFR 2001; RFCDC 2018 ).

In teaching contexts and everyday life, however, plurilingual education presents various challenges: lack of resources and support, diverse needs of students, curriculum design, assessment methods, prestigious languages, sustainability of languages used outside the classroom, etc. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach, wise language policies, community engagement and cooperation between government agencies.

In this context, we invite submissions that investigate different aspects of plurilingual education in diverse learning and teaching contexts and their challenges and opportunities. More specifically, this special issue welcomes articles that discuss the following issues/questions:

  • multiple language acquisition and learning additional languages;
  • translanguaging;
  • psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic aspects of plurilingualism;
  • literacy in multiple languages;
  • languages of schooling, minority languages, heritage languages;
  • multilingual language policies;
  • assessment challenges of plurilingual learners;
  • non-dominant and indigenous languages in education;
  • teacher training;
  • design and development of materials;
  • multilingual identities;
  • multilingual strategies and pedagogies;
  • inclusive education through multilingual pedagogies;
  • pluralistic approaches;
  • parents' involvement;
  • multiliteracies;
  • etc.

Article submission timeline:

30 July 2023: submission of paper title and abstract

30 December 2023: paper submission

30 September 2024: publication of the focus issue of the CEPS Journal

Please send the abstract to clearly stating the title of the focus issue.

Manuscripts should be from 5,000 to 7,000 words long, including the abstract and reference list, and should be written in UK English. Submissions should be no more than 20 pages in length, and should be original and unpublished work not currently under review by another journal or publisher.

When preparing the manuscript, please follow our guidelines, which are available here: