Baranović Branka (Ed.) (2015). Koji srednjoškolci namjeravaju studirati? – Pristup visokom obrazovanju i odabir studija [What Do High School Students Plan to Study? - Access to Higher Education and Choice of Study]. Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživa

  • Slavko Gaber
Keywords: book review, Baranović


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How to Cite
Gaber, S. (2015). Baranović Branka (Ed.) (2015). Koji srednjoškolci namjeravaju studirati? – Pristup visokom obrazovanju i odabir studija [What Do High School Students Plan to Study? - Access to Higher Education and Choice of Study]. Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživa. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 5(4), 159-161.