Rural Teacher Competencies: An International Comparative Study on the Territorial Dimension of Rural Schools

  • Juan Lorenzo Lacruz Faculty of Education, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
  • Francesc Buscà Donet Faculty of Education, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
  • Pilar Abós Olivares Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Teruel, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Keywords: rural school, territorial dimension, teaching competences, teacher training


This article presents the results of a descriptive study carried out within the framework of the FOPROMAR project, obtained after administering a questionnaire regarding competences related to the territorial dimension of rural schools among teachers working in rural schools in Spain (Aragon and Catalonia), France (Aquitaine) and Portugal (Alto Alentejo). The questionnaire included three parts (professional profile, competences on the territorial dimension of the school and knowledge about the territory), but only the results referring to the competences section are presented, showing the level of relevance and the degree of mastery that teachers express in relation to these competences. According to the results, the competences with the greatest mastery are those referring to the design and development of programmes, followed by professional competences and school-community relations. This order is also found in the assessment carried out, indicating that they are more valued than mastered. One of the conclusions is the need to reinforce competences not included in training plans, but considered more necessary and important for working in rural schools.


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How to Cite
Lorenzo Lacruz, J., Buscà Donet, F., & Abós Olivares, P. (2024). Rural Teacher Competencies: An International Comparative Study on the Territorial Dimension of Rural Schools. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 14(4), 145-170.