Bilingual Educational Policy in Georgia: Can it Benefit the Process of Integration of Society?

  • Shalva Tabatadze
Keywords: bilingual education, ethnic minorities, non-Georgian language schools, Georgia


This article reviews the educational policy for the integration of society in Georgia. It is an analytical research paper on the current situation  of ethnic minority education in Georgia. The problems and opportunities of bilingual education policy are analysed in the article. The content analysis research method was utilised in the study. The author argues that bilingual education is a crucial tool for the integration of Georgian society; however, local control, involvement, and context are crucial in the implementation of a national bilingual educational programme. The changes on the political, institutional and pedagogical levels of bilingual education are necessary for the successful implementation of bilingual education reform.


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How to Cite
Tabatadze, S. (2019). Bilingual Educational Policy in Georgia: Can it Benefit the Process of Integration of Society?. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 9(1), 61-82.