Multiple Approaches to Problem Posing: Theoretical Considerations Regarding its Definition, Conceptualisation, and Implementation
The importance of mathematical problem posing has been acknowledged by many researchers. In this theoretical paper, we want to capture different meanings and aspects of problem posing by approaching it from three different levels: (1) by comparing definitions, (2) by relating it to other constructs, and (3) by referring to research and teaching settings. The first level is an attempt to organise existing definitions of problem posing. The result of this analysis are five categories, which shows that there is no consensus regarding the conceptualisations of problem posing. In the second level, we examine how problem posing is conceived by the research community compared to other mathematical constructs, such as problem solving, mathematical creativity, or modelling. Finally, in the third level, we summarise possible ways of implementing problem posing in research and teaching settings as they are depicted in the relevant literature. Given this broad variance regarding the conceptualisations of problem posing, we attempt to provide some arguments as to whether there is a need for consensus on a commonly accepted concept of problem posing.
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