Teaching Mathematical Problem-Solving with the Brain in Mind: How can opening a closed problem help?

  • András Ambrus
Keywords: problem solving, brain based learning, working memory, open problems, representations, students’ activity


In the international literature, increasing numbers of articles and books are published about teaching and learning, with the brain in mind. For a long time, I have been sceptical about this question. However, seeing many unresolved issues in the teaching and learning of mathematics, I slowly started to study the relevant literature and have attempted to implement some ideas in my teaching. In this article, I will report on my experience with a selected mathematical problem in mathematics lessons and group study sessions; I will demonstrate how I modified the problem, based on my experience with the students, and I will reflect on my studies of brain-based mathematics teaching and learning.


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How to Cite
Ambrus, A. (2014). Teaching Mathematical Problem-Solving with the Brain in Mind: How can opening a closed problem help?. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 4(2), 105-120. https://doi.org/10.26529/cepsj.207